Sousplat in Crochet/Step by Step


Creating a crochet sousplat, or
placemat, is a fun and practical project. Follow these step-by-step
instructions to make one:

Materials you'll need:

  • Crochet hook (appropriate size for your yarn)

  • Worsted weight or bulky yarn in your desired color(s)

  • Scissors 


  1. Choose your yarn and hook:

    • Select a durable yarn suitable for placemats, such
      as cotton or acrylic.

    • Choose a crochet hook size that complements your
      yarn to achieve the desired tension and drape.

  2. Start crocheting the sousplat:

    • Begin by making a slipknot and chaining the desired
      number of stitches for the diameter of your sousplat.

    • Join the last chain with a slip stitch to form a

  3. Round 1:

    • Chain 1 (does not count as a stitch).

    • Work single crochet stitches evenly around the ring.
      This will be the first round of your sousplat.

    • Join with a slip stitch to the first single crochet
      to complete the round. 

  1. Round 2:

    • Chain 1 (does not count as a stitch).

    • Work single crochet stitches in each stitch around,
      including the joining slip stitch from the previous round.

    • Join with a slip stitch to the first single crochet
      to complete the round.

  2. Repeat Round 2:

    • Continue repeating Round 2 until your sousplat
      reaches the desired size. This will depend on how large you want your
      placemat to be.

  3. Finishing:

    • Once your sousplat has reached the desired size,
      fasten off the yarn and cut it, leaving a long tail.

    • Use a yarn needle to weave in any loose ends,
      ensuring a neat finish. 

You have now completed a crochet
sousplat! Repeat these steps to create more placemats in different colors or
sizes. Crocheted sousplats can add a touch of elegance and creativity to your
dining table.

Feel free to experiment with
different stitch patterns, such as textured stitches or lace patterns, to add
more variety and visual interest to your sousplats. You can also personalize
them by adding decorative elements like crochet flowers, beads, or ribbons.

Enjoy the process of creating your
crochet sousplats, and have fun adding a beautiful and functional touch to your
dining experience!

Tutorial Video Here

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